Up: Types


Table of Contents

1. Covariance

We say some type F which takes a type paramater is covariant if \( S \subset T \Rightarrow F[S] \subset F[T] \). ie we might reasonably claim a List[Cat] is a subtype of List[Animal]. However this may cause some problems:

val myCats: List[Cat]       = List(Cat("Max"), Cat("Felix"))
val myAnimals: List[Animal] = myCats
val myDog: Dog              = Dog("Fiedo")
// But now myCats contains a dog!!

However, we can overcome this problem by making List immutable, so that we cannot add any new elements to a list.

2. Contravariance

Sometimes it may also make sense for a particular type \( G \) that if \( S \) is a subtype of \( T \), then \( G[T] \) is a subtype of \( G[S] \) - and we call this contravariance. An example of this could be a JSON encoder. For example say if we have:

trait Animal {
  def name: String

case class Dog(name: String, age: Int) extends Animal

Then it would make sense that if we had a json encoder for the Animal type, we could use this to encode Dog instances also, albeit without the dog's age:

val animalEncoder: Encoder[Animal] = getEncoder()
val dog: Dog                       = Dog("Fiedo", 3)
val dogEncoder: Encoder[Dog]       = animalEncoder
// {"name": "Fiedo"}

Hence an Animal encoder is just one particular type of Dog encoder, hence the Encoder type is contravariant. Note that the opposite would hold for a JSON decoder (covariant), and in general data sources can be covariant and data sinks can be contravariant.

3. Gotchas

Suppose we have some covariant type:

class MyList[+T] {
  def contains(e: ???): Boolean

Then what should be the type of e? We might reason that we should have e: T to match our type parameter, but that gives rise to the following:

val myDogs: List[Dog]       = List(Dog("Fiedo"), Dog("Zeus"))
val myAnimals: List[Animal] = myDogs
// Completely fine by our type signature
// Not allowed by our type signature!

So the way we get around this is to make the type of e: U with the type constraint U :> T so that the method can take any supertype of T (also see here for a great SO link). This can however lead to some unexpected behaviour:

// All of the following is valid in scala
val myInts = List(1, 2, 3)
myInts.contains("not an int")
// Boolean = false
"not an int" :: myInts
// List[Any] = List("not an int", 1, 2, 3)

Author: root

Created: 2025-02-15 Sat 15:26
