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Euclid's Algorithm

Table of Contents

1. Diophantine Equations

Let \(a, b \) and \( c \) be fixed integers, then consider integer solutions to the equation:

\begin{equation} ax + by = c \end{equation}

We show there exist solutions iff \( gcd(a, b) | c \), and further, if this is the case then there are an infinite number of solutions.

1.1. Lemma 1

if \( gcd(a, b) \not| c \) There exists no solution to (1).


Suppose for a contradiction there does exist a solution, and let \( p = gcd(a, b) \)

\[ \Rightarrow \exists \lambda, \delta \in \mathbb{Z} \ \ s.t. \ a = \lambda p,\ b = \delta p \]

Factoring (1):

\[ \Rightarrow (\lambda x + \delta y)p = c \]

Which shows \( p \) must divide \( c \) and hence is a contradiction.

1.2. Lemma 2

There exists a solution to (1) if \( c = gcd(a, b) \)


We have

\[ gcd(a, b) \equiv p \mod b \]

Then a solution exists to (1) iff there exists some \( x \) s.t.

\begin{equation} ax \equiv p \mod b \end{equation}

First, note that \( \lambda \) and \( \delta \) are coprime, proof: consider

\[ gcd(\lambda p, \ \delta p) \]

If \( gcd(\lambda, \delta) > 1 \Rightarrow gcd(a, b) \neq p \) and hence is a contradiction.

It's commonly known that since \( \lambda \) and \( \delta \) are coprime, there exists an integer \( x \) s.t.

\[ \lambda x \equiv 1 \mod \delta \]

And hence this x is a solution to:

\[ p(\lambda x - 1) \equiv 0 \mod b \]


\[ ax \equiv p \mod b \]

And therefore:

\[ ax + by = gcd(a, b) \]

Where y is \( -\lfloor \frac{ax}{b} \rfloor \). Hence trivially there also exists a solution for any integer multiple of gcd(a, b).

1.3. Lemma 3

If there exists one solution to \( ax + by = c \) then there exists infinite solutions.


Consider solutions to:

\begin{equation} k_{a}a + k_{b}b = 0 \end{equation}

Setting \( k_{a} = \frac{lcm(a, b)}{a} \) and \( k_{b} = -\frac{lcm(a, b)}{b} \) gives a solution to (3). Also note that:

\[ (x + k_{a})a + (y + k_{b})b = c \]

Is also a solution given \(x, \ y \) are the solutions found above, and furthermore:

\[ (x + Mk_{a})a + (y + Mk_{b})b = c \]

Where \( M \) is any integer, is a solution.

2. Euclid's Algorithm

We can express \( gcd(a, b) \) as a linear combination of \( a \) and \( b \) easily using Euclid's algorithm.

2.1. Example

Express gcd(1442, 980) as a linear combination of 1442 and 980.

First we obtain gcd(1442, 980) using Euclid's algorithm:

\begin{align} 1442 &= 1 * 980 + 462 \\ 980 &= 2 * 462 + 56 \\ 462 &= 8 * 56 + 14 \\ 56 &= 4 * 14 \end{align}

Hence gcd(1442, 980) = 14. Now we take the penultimate equation and rearrange to make 14 the subject:

\begin{align} 14 &= 462 - 8*56 \\ 14 &= (1442 - 980) - 8(980 - 2*462) \\ 14 &= 1*1442 - 9*980 + 16*(1442 - 980) \\ 14 &= 17*1442 - 25*980 \end{align}

And thus we arrive at the linear combination.

Author: root

Created: 2025-02-15 Sat 15:26
