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1. Definition

A binary relation \( R \) on some set \( S \) can be defined as:

\[ T = \{ (a, b) : a, b \in S, aRb \} \]

For example, the relation "=" over the reals: \[ aRb \iff a - b = 0 \]

Any reference to a relation will be taken as binary unless stated otherwise.

2. Equivalence Relations

A relation is said to be an equivalence relation if it is reflexive, symmetric and transitive.

2.1. Reflexive

A relation is reflexive iff:

\[ \forall a \in S, \ aRa \]

2.2. Symmetric

A relation is symmetric iff:

\[ \forall a, b \in S, \ aRb \Rightarrow bRa \]

2.3. transitive

A relation is transitive iff:

\[ \forall a, b, c \in S, \ (aRb \wedge bRc) \Rightarrow aRc \]

For example the relation \( \leq \) over the reals is reflexive and transitive but not symmetric and the relation \( = \) over the reals is all three and therefore an equivalence relation.

3. Equivalence Classes

For an equivalence relation \( R \) over some set \( S \), the equivalence class of some \( a \in S \) is defined as:

\[ \{ x \in S : aRx \} \]

The set of all equivalence classes forms a partition of \( S \): a collection of disjoint sets whose union is equal to \( S \). The converse is also true, all unique partitions of \( S \) denote a unique equivalence relation on \( S \).

4. Total Orders

A total order or full order is a relation, \( \le \) on some set \( S \) which is transitive and also the following hold \( \forall a, b \in S \):

4.1. Antisymmetric

\( a \le b \land b \le a \implies a = b \)

4.2. Connex

\( a \le b \) or \( b \le a \)

A set paired with a total order, \( (S, \le) \) is called a totally ordered set or chain. For example \( (\mathbb{R}, \le) \) forms a totally ordered set but \( (\mathbb{R}, <) \) does not (not connex).

Author: root

Created: 2025-02-15 Sat 15:26
