Graph Colouring
Table of Contents
1. Definition
We define a k-colouring of an undirected graph \( G(V, E) \) as a function \( f: V \to \mathbb{Z}_k = \{ 1 ... k\} \) such that:
\[ (u, v) \in E \implies f(u) \ne f(v) \]
Ie no neighbouring vertices have the same colour. Additionally, if \( G \) admits a k-colouring, we say \( G \) is k-colourable.
2. Chromatic Number
We define \( \chi(G) \) as the smallest k such that \( G \) is k-colourable. Clearly such a k must always exist as a graph on \( n \) vertices is always n-colourable (assign all the vertices different colours).
However determining \( \chi(G) \) for an arbitrary graph is nontrivial and is in fact NP-complete.
2.1. Bounds
Using a greedy algorithm we can deduce that:
\[ \chi(G) \le \max_{v \in V}{(deg(v))} + 1 \]
And if \( G \) is connected, simple and is not a complete or odd cycle graph, then Brook's Theorem offers the slight improvement of:
\[ \chi(G) \le \max_{v \in V}{(deg(v))} \]
Clearly if \( G \) has k-clique then:
\[ \chi(G) > k \]
3. Chromatic Polynomial
Given some simple graph \( G \) we define the Chromatic Function \( P_G: \mathbb{Z}^+ \to \mathbb{Z}^+ \) as the number of ways we can colour \( G \) using \( k \) or fewer colours. Hence if \( k < \chi(G) \) then \( P_G(k) = 0 \).
3.1. Theorem
The Chromatic Function of a simple graph \( G \) is polynomial.
We prove the following statement: If \( e = (v, w) \) is some edge in \( G \) then \( P_G(k) = P_{G - e}(k) - P_{G/e}(k) \), where \( G/e \) is the graph produced by contracting \( e \). Let \( G' = G - e \). Now, the number of k-colourings of \( G' \) in which \( v \) and \( w \) are different colours is equal to \( P_G(k) \) since the vertices are adjacent in \( G \).
The number of k-colouring of \( G' \) in which \( v \) and \( w \) are the same colour is equal to the number of k-colourings of \( G/e \). Combining these statements gives:
\begin{alignat*}{2} P_{G'}(k) = &&P_{G - e}(k) &= P_G(k) + P_{G/e} \\ \implies &&P_G(k) &= P_{G - e}(k) - P_{G/e}(k) \end{alignat*}We can apply this procedure to the two new graphs \( G - e \) and \( G/ e \), and so on until we eventually end up with only null graphs whose chromatic number is \( k^n \) for \( N_n \), a polynomial in \( k \). Hence since polynomials are closed under addition we can conclude that \( P_G(k) \) is also polynomial.