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Table of Contents

1. Definition

Given some (infinite) sequence \( (a_n)_n \) we can consider its infinite series, denoted:

\[ \sum_{n=1}^{\infty} a_n \]

We say the series converges iff the sequence of partial sums of the sequence converges.

\[ S_n = \sum_{i=1}^n a_i \]

If \( S_n \) converges we say the series is convergent, else we say the series is divergent.

2. Tests

There is no general process for checking if a series converges, but we can apply tests which provide definitive statements for some series.

2.1. Nth Term Test

If a series converges then its corresponding sequence must be null.

2.1.1. Proof

Suppose \( S_n \) converges to some \( L \) then by the shifted sequence rule, \( S_{n + 1} \) also converges to the same \( L \). By the algebra of limits theorem:

\[ (S_{n + 1} - S_n)_n \]

converges to \( L - L = 0 \), but

\[ (S_{n + 1} - S_n)_n = (a_n)_n \implies a_n \text{ converges to } 0 \]

2.2. Integral Test

Let the sequence \( (a_n)_n \) be defined by \( a_n = f(n) \) then if the following are true for \( f \):

  1. \( f \) is defined on the interval \( I = [1, \infty) \)
  2. \( f \) is monotonically decresing on \( I \)
  3. \( f \) is positive on \( I \)

Then the integral test states that:

\[ \sum_{n=1}^{\infty} a_n \text{ converges } \iff \int^{\infty}_{1} f(x) \ dx\text{ exists } \]

2.3. Comparison Test

Given two sequences \( a_n \) and \( b_n \), for which

  1. \( a_n, b_n > 0 \ \forall n \)
  2. \( a_n \le b_n \ \forall n \)

The comparison test states that:

\[ \sum_{n=1}^{\infty} b_n \text{ converges } \implies \sum_{n=1}^{\infty} a_n \text{ converges} \]


\[ \sum_{n=1}^{\infty} a_n \text{ diverges } \implies \sum_{n=1}^{\infty} b_n \text{ diverges} \]

2.3.1. Proof

Consider the sequence of partial sums: \( S_n = \sum_{k=1}^n a_k, \ R_n = \sum_{k=1}^n b_k \). Given the convergence of \( R_n \) we know that it must have an upper bound \( B \).

\[ \implies S_n \le R_n < B \ \forall n \] \[ \implies S_n < B \ \forall n \]

And we also have from (1) that \( S_n \) is monotone increasing. Hence since \( S_n \) is monotone increasing and bounded above, it must converge by the MCT.

2.4. Ratio Test


\[ L = \frac{|a_{n + 1}|}{|a_n|} \]

Then the ratio test asserts that if:

  1. \( L < 1 \implies a_n \text{ converges absolutely} \)
  2. \( L > 1 \implies \text{ the series is divergent} \)
  3. And if \( L = 1 \) or the limit does not exist, then the test is inconclusive

The proof of this statement follows via construction of an appropriate geometric series and the comparison test.

2.5. Root Test


\[ L = \limsup_{n \to \infty} |a_n|^{\frac{1}{n}} \]

Then similar to the ratio test, the root test asserts that:

  1. \( L < 1 \implies a_n \text{ converges absolutely} \)
  2. \( L > 1 \implies \text{ the series is divergent} \)
  3. And if \( L = 1 \) or the limit does not exist, then the test is inconclusive

Note that if \( \lim_{n \to \infty } |a_n|^{\frac{1}{n}} \) exists then by the properties of the limit superior \( L = \lim_{n \to \infty } |a_n|^{\frac{1}{n}} \). We can also use this test to define the RoC as:

\[ R = \frac{1}{\limsup_{n \to \infty} |a_n|^{\frac{1}{n}}} \]

This works as the RoC makes no claims on the convergence at the boundaries, we can also substitute in \( \infty \) for the limit superior if \( (|a_n|^\frac{1}{n})_n \) does not have a convergent subsequence.

2.5.1. Proof

Suppose \( L < 1 \), then by the properties of the limit superior:

\[ \exists N \in \mathbb{N}, \ k \ s.t. \ |a_n|^\frac{1}{n} < k < 1, \ \forall n \ge N \]

Since \( f(x) = x^n \) is strictly increasing on the interval \( [0, \infty) \):

\[ \ |a_n| < k^n < 1, \ \forall n \ge N \]

Summing from \( N \) to \( \infty \):

\[ \sum_{n=N}^{\infty} |a_n| < \sum_{n=N}^{\infty} k^n \]

But \( \sum_{n=N}^{\infty} k^n \) is a convergent geometric series, hence \( \sum_{n=N}^{\infty} |a_n| \) converges by the comparison test.

\[ \implies \sum_{n=1}^{\infty} |a_n| \text{ converges} \]

Hence if property 1. above is satisfied, \( a_n \) not only converges, but converges absolutely. A similar argument can be applied to prove 3.

3. Problems

  1. Show \( \sum_{n=1}^{\infty} \frac{1}{n} \) does not converge and hence show that \( \sum_{n=1}^{\infty} \frac{1}{2n + 1} \) does not converge.

Author: root

Created: 2025-02-15 Sat 15:26
